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Maryland Zantac Lawsuit Attorney

Many Maryland residents relied on Zantac to treat conditions like acid reflux, heartburn, and other gastroesophageal conditions. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalled Zantac in April 2020 after discovering that it could raise patients’ risk of certain cancers.

If you are a former Zantac patient, the Maryland Zantac injury lawyers at Estey & Bomberger, LLP can help. For years, we have fought for the rights of victims who have been injured by defective medications. Our Maryland Zantac lawsuit attorneys can represent your claim and help you recover the settlement that you deserve.

Why Choose Our Maryland Zantac Lawsuit Attorneys

  • Our law firm specializes in dangerous and defective product cases, including dangerous drug claims. We have the skills and experience necessary to fight for your right to recovery.
  • Our attorneys have secured millions of dollars in settlements and jury verdicts and will always advocate for your highest possible award.
  • Our team of attorneys operate on a contingency fee basis. You will only pay legal fees if our attorneys recover a financial settlement on your behalf.

Does Zantac Cause Cancer? 

Zantac may cause cancer due to the presence of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). NDMA is a substance that is found in certain foods and other natural sources, but it is also a probable human carcinogen. This means that NDMA is likely to increase patients’ risk of certain cancers.

In April 2020, the FDA discovered an NDMA contaminant in batches of Zantac. These NDMA levels were much higher than the safe threshold, which was extremely dangerous for patients who took Zantac tablets on a daily basis. This discovery led the FDA to issue a voluntary recall for the medication.

Who Can File a Zantac Cancer Lawsuit in Maryland?

If you used to take Zantac and later developed cancer, you may be eligible for a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the medication. Through your Zantac injury claim, you could recover a settlement to pay for your medical care, pain and suffering, and other damages.

However, not everyone qualifies for legal action. You will generally need to meet the following criteria to file a claim in Maryland:

  • You were diagnosed with a cancer associated with Zantac, such as liver cancer, stomach cancer, or bladder cancer.
  • You took prescription or over-the-counter Zantac for at least one year on a regular basis.
  • You were diagnosed with cancer at least one year from the date that you began to take Zantac.

contact a maryland Zantac injury lawyer at Estey & Bomberger

How Long Do You Have to File a Zantac Lawsuit in Maryland?

If you believe that you qualify for a Zantac lawsuit, it is important to speak with a skilled Maryland Zantac lawsuit attorney about your case as soon as possible. Under Maryland law, former Zantac patients must file a claim against the product manufacturer within three years from the date of their cancer diagnosis.

The court will likely dismiss your case if you do not file your lawsuit within this time frame. A Maryland Zantac injury lawyer from Estey & Bomberger, LLP can help you initiate your injury claim so that you can protect your right to financial compensation.

Contact Our Maryland Zantac Lawsuit Attorneys at Estey & Bomberger

If you were diagnosed with cancer and used to take Zantac, the medication may be responsible. In these situations, the team of Zantac lawsuit lawyers at Estey & Bomberger, LLP can help you seek justice for your losses.

As soon as possible following your diagnosis, contact us today to schedule your free case consultation with a Maryland Zantac lawsuit attorney. Call (800) 260-7197 to get started and find out how our Maryland Zantac lawsuit attorneys can help.